The tab mapper is a handy little tool that will render a guitar tab file with graphic chord diagrams displayed alongside. This comes in handy for people who just don't have every single chord shape memorized. Just plug in the web site address of a valid .tab or .crd file and hit "Go". In general, the tab mapper does a better job with printer friendly URLs. If there is more than one way to play a chord, the tab mapper will choose the most common shape. To see other fingerings, click on the chord diagram and you will be taken to the chord calculator.
Original file located @
Disneyland Paris heeft onlangs drie nieuwe eetkraampjes toegevoegd aan het Walt Disney Studios Park. Dit komt nadat het afgelopen jaar verschillende eetgelegenheden moesten sluiten vanwege verbouwingen. De nieuwe horecapunten zijn Playhouse Café, Party Café en Roadside Snacks.
Playhouse Café?
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