The tab mapper is a handy little tool that will render a guitar tab file with graphic chord diagrams displayed alongside. This comes in handy for people who just don't have every single chord shape memorized. Just plug in the web site address of a valid .tab or .crd file and hit "Go". In general, the tab mapper does a better job with printer friendly URLs. If there is more than one way to play a chord, the tab mapper will choose the most common shape. To see other fingerings, click on the chord diagram and you will be taken to the chord calculator.
Original file located @
Show me scales that sound good with the chords in this song: A.
Since 2007 Omni SDT has been offering solutions to companies looking to conducting business in Europe and beyond.
At Omni SDT, we focus on international growth, cross-border transactions, international trade and customs compliance.
developing international business is incorporated in our team
and clear vision is something that has helped us and numerous of our associates to navigate trough uncertainties no matter the difficulty of the project
with solid partners has enabled Omni SDT to apply country-specific expertise to our work
With headquarters in Amsterdam, The Netherlands and partners around the globe, Omni SDT is able to provide extensive distribution, consultation and support services to almost any kind of enterprise. Our global network consists of trusted local businesses partners, which are always able to apply country-specific expertise to our work.
Our team of expert consultants has over 40 years experience of developing international business for private companies and public authorities. Through our extensive network of business associates and governmental officials, we are able to provide turn-key solutions to clients looking to conduct successful business in the Europe and beyond.
Our team focuses on the company strategy and external processes in order to help exporters and importers identify risks, mitigate them and trade globally, without disruption, in a safe, compliant and profitable manner thus positively contributing to their cash flow and future growth.
With a long history of international business development on private and public levels, relevant expertise and proven track-record, we have managed to build up a strong reputation among our vast circle of clients and associates.
Omni SDT closely works with various private and public organizations in order to be able to design profitable and resilient international business strategy and create a favorable trading environment for its clients, no matter how competitive the region or how high the entry barriers.