The tab mapper is a handy little tool that will render a guitar tab file with graphic chord diagrams displayed alongside. This comes in handy for people who just don't have every single chord shape memorized. Just plug in the web site address of a valid .tab or .crd file and hit "Go". In general, the tab mapper does a better job with printer friendly URLs. If there is more than one way to play a chord, the tab mapper will choose the most common shape. To see other fingerings, click on the chord diagram and you will be taken to the chord calculator.
Original file located @
Show me scales that sound good with the chords in this song: A.
A CDC Prevention Research Center
The Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention is dedicated to reducing health disparities through community-based research and initiatives. Created in 1985 by the deans of the health affairs schools at UNC-Chapel Hill, we are part of a network of CDC Prevention Research Centers.
In late September 2024, Hurricane Helene tore through Western North Carolina, leaving behind widespread devastation and disrupting the lives of countless communities and families. For many, the storm destroyed property and separated loved ones; it also upended a sense of ? Read more
A new online resource,, is aiming to reduce food insecurity among college students in North Carolina by raising awareness of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). The website offers a user-friendly quiz that helps students determine their potential eligibility. ? Read more
The Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) awarded Drs. Falon Smith, PhD and Maihan Vu, DrPH, MPH a one-year grant to conduct a qualitative study to better understand moral injury, how it affects Veterans? health, and inform research and treatment. The study ? Read more
(from left to right) Drs. Leigh Callahan, Melissa Gilkey, Stephanie Wheeler, Alison Brenner, and Rachel Hirschey The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has awarded Special Interest Project (SIP) grants to three projects led by HPDP researchers. The SIP-funded ? Read more
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