The tab mapper is a handy little tool that will render a guitar tab file with graphic chord diagrams displayed alongside. This comes in handy for people who just don't have every single chord shape memorized. Just plug in the web site address of a valid .tab or .crd file and hit "Go". In general, the tab mapper does a better job with printer friendly URLs. If there is more than one way to play a chord, the tab mapper will choose the most common shape. To see other fingerings, click on the chord diagram and you will be taken to the chord calculator.
Original file located @
Show me scales that sound good with the chords in this song: A, Do.
Hello, dear readers! Dr. Samuel Cheersworth here again, armed with a pen in one hand and a glass of liquid wisdom in the other. Tonight?s topic is one that?s as misunderstood as my choice to combine medicine with the occasional scotch: metabolism.
Let?s clear the fog around the so-called ?metabolism equation.? It?s not as simple as calories in, calories out?it?s a symphony of factors like age, muscle mass, activity level, and genetics. So, pour yourself a glass of whatever you fancy, and let?s dive into the science, shall we?
Ah, youth. That glorious time when your metabolism works as though it?s in a sprint. As we age, however, our metabolic rate naturally slows. Why? Two main culprits:
What can you do about it? Weightlifting and resistance training are your best allies. Strengthen your muscles, and your metabolism will thank you by staying more revved up, even when you?re binging a show on the couch.
The Truth About Metabolism Myths, from a Slightly Tipsy Doctor
Speaking of muscles, let?s raise a toast to them! They?re the metabolic equivalent of high-performance engines. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn?even when you?re doing nothing.
Every pound of muscle burns about 6 calories a day at rest, compared to just 2 calories for a pound of fat. It?s why athletes seem to eat like a small army and stay lean while the rest of us gain weight just looking at a slice of cheesecake.
I am NOT the best doctor
Building muscle isn?t just for bodybuilders. Whether it?s yoga, pilates, or heavy lifting, find an activity you love that strengthens your muscles. Because trust me, your metabolism loves muscle as much as I love a good single malt.
Now let?s talk about activity?the part of the equation you can control most easily. Activity level includes:
The more active you are, the more calories you burn. But don?t think you have to live in the gym. Simple changes?like taking the stairs instead of the elevator or parking farther away?can add up over time.
Here?s a fun fact to sip on: NEAT can vary dramatically between individuals. Some people burn up to 2,000 extra calories a day just by fidgeting more than their sedentary counterparts. So, keep moving, even if it?s just pacing while you ponder life?s great mysteries (or the contents of your fridge).
Ah, genetics. The hand you?re dealt at birth. Some people are blessed with a naturally high metabolism, while others feel like their body clings to calories for dear life.
Blame it on basal metabolic rate (BMR), the number of calories your body burns just to keep you alive?breathing, circulating blood, maintaining organs. BMR accounts for about 60-70% of your total calorie burn and is influenced by factors like:
While you can?t rewrite your DNA, lifestyle choices like staying active and eating healthfully can help optimize what you?ve got.
Eating burns calories too! This is called the thermic effect of food (TEF), and it accounts for about 10% of your daily calorie expenditure. Protein has the highest TEF, requiring more energy to digest than carbs or fats.
So if you?re wondering what to eat to support your metabolism, lean protein is a solid choice. Think chicken, fish, beans, tofu?or, if you?re feeling indulgent, a steak paired with a glass of red. Moderation, my friends!
Stress and sleep deprivation don?t just make you cranky?they also mess with your metabolism. Chronic stress releases cortisol, which can lead to fat storage, especially around the belly. Meanwhile, lack of sleep disrupts hunger hormones, making you more likely to overeat.
The prescription? Get your beauty sleep. And if life?s stressors get to you, find healthy outlets?like exercise, meditation, or, dare I suggest, a quiet drink with friends.
The metabolism equation isn?t a one-size-fits-all formula. It?s a mix of age, muscle mass, activity level, genetics, and lifestyle factors like diet, sleep, and stress. While you can?t control everything, small changes?building muscle, staying active, eating wisely?can make a big difference.
So here?s to understanding your metabolism and working with it instead of against it. And here?s to me, your slightly tipsy doctor, signing off with a final toast: May your metabolic engine always run smoothly, and may your scotch always be smooth. Cheers!
Hello there, my dear readers. Dr. Samuel Cheersworth here?M.D., Ph.D., and lover of a good scotch. Now, before you start judging, let me remind you: doctors are human too. And tonight, after a few sips of something peaty and marvelous, I felt inspired to address a few myths about metabolism that have been swirling around like the ice cubes in my glass. Let?s dive in, shall we?
Ah, the famous ice-water myth. Some clever soul somewhere declared that chugging ice water forces your body to burn calories to warm it up, leading to weight loss. And while there?s a grain of truth to this, it?s not the magic trick you might hope for.
Here?s the science: when you drink ice water, your body does indeed expend energy to heat it to your core temperature. But?and this is a big ?but??the calorie burn is minuscule. To heat one liter of ice water (about four glasses), your body uses roughly 35 calories. That?s barely enough to offset the cookie you just ate.
The Metabolism Equation: A Tipsy Doctor?s Take on What Really Matters
So, by all means, stay hydrated?it?s good for you. Just don?t expect ice water to melt away the pounds like some sort of frosty miracle.
I am NOT a GOOD doctor
Ah, the allure of superfoods. Kale, quinoa, acai berries?they?re like the Avengers of nutrition, right? Well, not quite. While these foods are nutrient-dense and great for your overall health, there?s no single magical ingredient that will send your metabolism into overdrive.
Some studies suggest that certain foods, like chili peppers, green tea, or coffee, can give your metabolism a slight boost. Capsaicin (the compound in chili peppers that makes them spicy) can temporarily increase calorie burn, as can the caffeine in coffee or tea. But we?re talking tiny effects here?nothing that?ll outweigh the impact of a balanced diet and regular exercise.
So enjoy your avocado toast or turmeric latte, but remember: moderation and variety are the true keys to health.
This one?s been making the rounds for years, and I?ll admit, even I used to believe it in my younger, less scotch-savvy days. The idea is that eating small meals frequently keeps your metabolism ?revved up? throughout the day.
But here?s the thing: your metabolism doesn?t work like a car engine that needs constant fuel to stay running. It?s influenced by your total caloric intake and expenditure, not how often you eat. Research has shown that eating six small meals versus three larger ones has no significant impact on metabolism.
What matters more is the quality and quantity of what you?re eating. So whether you?re a grazer or a three-meals-a-day type, focus on balance and nutrition, not the clock.
Let me be blunt: most ?metabolism-boosting? supplements are about as effective as asking your dog for financial advice. Sure, some ingredients?like green tea extract or caffeine?might give you a slight energy boost, but the effects are usually so small they?re not worth the price tag (or the side effects).
And don?t even get me started on supplements that claim to ?unlock? your metabolism?s hidden potential. Unless that hidden potential involves an empty wallet, you?re better off spending your money on fresh vegetables and a good pair of running shoes.
There?s a fear that skipping meals will ?shut down? your metabolism, turning your body into a calorie-hoarding gremlin. But the reality is a bit more nuanced.
Short-term fasting or intermittent fasting won?t tank your metabolism. In fact, research suggests it may improve metabolic flexibility?the ability to switch between burning carbs and fat for fuel. However, prolonged calorie deprivation can eventually slow your metabolic rate as your body adjusts to conserve energy.
The takeaway? Fasting can be a useful tool for some people, but it?s not a magic bullet. And for heaven?s sake, don?t skip meals just to lose weight?your body needs fuel to function, and so does your brain (which I assure you, even scotch-enhanced, is still working).
Metabolism is a complex beast, influenced by factors like genetics, age, muscle mass, and activity level. While it?s tempting to believe in quick fixes, the reality is far less glamorous. The best way to support a healthy metabolism is to stay active, eat a balanced diet, get enough sleep, and manage stress.
And yes, if you?re wondering, the occasional drink in moderation won?t ruin your metabolism either. So here?s to you, dear readers?may your ice water be cold, your myths be busted, and your metabolism be as steady as my hand pouring this last glass. Cheers!
I want to start this article with a clear disclaimer: I am not a doctor, nor do I hold any medical or professional health qualifications. What I do possess is a keen interest and a considerable amount of knowledge gathered from countless interviews, 6 minute videos, fitness tips, magazines, 3 minute videos and wellness strategies shared by some of the world?s most iconic celebrities. Today, I?d like to share some insights on how Marisa Tomei, Tyra Banks, and Rihanna maintain their incredible fitness and health routines.
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Marisa Tomei has always been a beacon of ageless beauty and vitality. Her fitness philosophy revolves around a holistic approach, focusing on both the body and the mind.
The Metabolism Equation: A Tipsy Doctor?s Take on What Really Matters
Her approach is not just about looking good but feeling good from the inside out. This balance between physical exercise and mental peace is what keeps her looking radiant and youthful.
The Truth About Metabolism Myths, from a Slightly Tipsy Doctor
Tyra Banks has always been an advocate for body positivity and self-love. Her journey in the fashion and entertainment industry has seen her embrace her curves and redefine beauty standards.
Tyra?s approach is a reminder that fitness is not about conforming to a mold but about celebrating what your body can do and how it can feel.
Rihanna, known for her fierce attitude and incredible energy on stage, follows a fitness regimen that complements her busy lifestyle. She has been vocal about her love-hate relationship with working out, but she understands its importance for maintaining her stamina and strength.
While Marisa Tomei, Tyra Banks, and Rihanna each have their own unique approaches to fitness and health, there are some common themes that we can all learn from:
Again, I want to reiterate that I am not a doctor or a certified fitness professional?(atleast I THINK I am not). My knowledge is based on what I?ve learned from various sources and the public statements made by these celebrities.
It?s always best to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new fitness or diet regimen. However, I hope these insights into the fitness routines of Marisa Tomei, Tyra Banks, and Rihanna inspire you to find your own path to health and happiness.
Whether you?re looking to improve your physical fitness, boost your energy, or simply feel better in your own skin, there?s something to be learned from these inspiring women.