The tab mapper is a handy little tool that will render a guitar tab file with graphic chord diagrams displayed alongside. This comes in handy for people who just don't have every single chord shape memorized. Just plug in the web site address of a valid .tab or .crd file and hit "Go". In general, the tab mapper does a better job with printer friendly URLs. If there is more than one way to play a chord, the tab mapper will choose the most common shape. To see other fingerings, click on the chord diagram and you will be taken to the chord calculator.
Original file located @
Show me scales that sound good with the chords in this song: A.
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ConformIQ redefines software testing by automating the ?Requirements to Execution? process, leveraging Model-based Testing to ensure unmatched quality, faster delivery, and cost efficiency. Generate tests with just a few clicks!
Intuitive representation of application flow using GenAI combined with Visual Gherkin, enabling teams to map scenarios and tests seamlessly.
Guaranteed precision and coverage with Symbolic AI.
Enhance productivity with unified tools that adapt to your DevOps and Agile ecosystem.
AI-Driven test automation
Using AI to automate the testing process, ConformIQ has designed a system to automatically scope and create optimized test cases while generating scripts for automated execution from models and manual tests.
AI-Driven test automation
The ConformIQ products ensure that your test cases generation is linked and aligned with your test coverage requirements as development progresses. They generate new test cases automatically, avoiding lengthy manual updates.
Optimized Testing environments
The ConformIQ platform allows DevOps and QA teams to optimize testing environments, integrating with existing tools while utilizing and optimizing test cases already in use and enabling omnichannel testing for greater productivity.
Accelerate delivery without compromising quality.
Optimize workflows and reduce manual effort.
Eliminate missed requirements or defects.
Achieve greater ROI with automated processes.
Achieve unmatched efficiency.
ConformIQ?s solutions transform testing for various methodologies and technologies across Mobile, Web, desktop, embedded, and cross-platform applications.
Discover the Right Product for Your Needs
I?m really impressed with Conformiq Visualizer so far. Model-based testing with Gherkin scenarios is a really interesting innovation, and surfacing it inside Jira will make it accessible to just the people who need it. Cucumber users have been asking us for years to add let them add scenario outlines in spreadsheets, and now here?s a tool that will let them do exactly that. I know the team has a solid understanding of the fundamentals of BDD, and I?m looking forward to seeing how the product evolves further.
?On the surface, many features that are shown in a demo look similar but, in digging deeper, the core difference is huge. The ability to comprehensively test real world applications and the efficiency gain differences are hugely different. While others tools do this manually, Conformiq automatically generates the optimized test cases including both data and business logic, expected test results, automated test scripts, traceability, graphical coverage, and customized reports.?
?We have been using Conformiq Creator for the past four years and six months and very happy with the team?s knowledge. Though optimized and automated test generation is the core functionality, the product?s integration with other tools sets it apart. With proper integration to the automation framework, we were able to achieve in-release automation.?
?Thanks to Conformiq for their support during our new project where our team was building some of the most complex models our development team has ever seen. Current models generated as many as 26,000 test targets to cover and optimize. Driven by their advanced leading edge, we were able to achieve 92% test automation, $8 mn automation savings and zero production defects. We are pleased to continue to work together to achieve improved test generation efficiencies through better and advanced capabilities.?
?This full automation is at the heart of Conformiq?s proposition: that you should never have to fall back on manual coding. As far as we know, the company?s product suite is unique in providing this capability: it generates executable test scripts, test validations, and test data directly from the model of the system under test. Conformiq Creator generates tests scripts that are ready for automated execution without manual intervention and if desired Conformiq Transformer automates the link to the execution tool. This comprehensive end to end automation enables major efficiency gains over traditional manual testing methods and test execution tools which lack the capability to automatically generate optimized test cases.?
?I have been using Creator for past 6 years and evaluated multiple products before zeroing in on Conformiq. Conformiq integrates well with various automation tools and auto-generates between 60% and 80% of the automation scripts. This feature has helped us to improve automation coverage and enabled us to run regression tests repetitively. Conformiq provides easy maintenance for change requests. The tool will generate auto-generate impact analysis data, which can be carried to test automation as well, easing efforts for automation script maintenance. This product has the ability to integrate with various test management tools and version control tools.?
?Integration with other tools is one of Creator?s and Transformer?s biggest selling points. This doesn?t end with requirements, either: the array of tools which Creator and Transformer can integrate with is, frankly, very impressive. The result is very comprehensive ? indeed, this is a general strength of Conformiq ? and implementing it in stages makes the creation of your model simpler than would otherwise be the case?.
Designed by : Geoffrey Bellec ? Propulsed by : ConformIQ