The tab mapper is a handy little tool that will render a guitar tab file with graphic chord diagrams displayed alongside. This comes in handy for people who just don't have every single chord shape memorized. Just plug in the web site address of a valid .tab or .crd file and hit "Go". In general, the tab mapper does a better job with printer friendly URLs. If there is more than one way to play a chord, the tab mapper will choose the most common shape. To see other fingerings, click on the chord diagram and you will be taken to the chord calculator.
Original file located @
Show me scales that sound good with the chords in this song: A.
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This year again, CESH is running a competition for early career researchers. The deadline to submitt an article is 15 August 2025.
Please follow this link for more information: Early Career Scholar Award | European Committee for Sports History
Since January, we have been using the French HelloAsso platform to pay for and edit your membership. It is free and simple.
Please visit our Membership Page and follow the indications.
Many thanks for your support. We are looking forward to counting you as a member of CESH for the year 2025.
Please note the new dates for the congress: 3-5 September 2025
The congress home page is
Please find below the call for papers in English, Italian, French and Spanish.
The new deadline to submit an abstract is 1st March 2025.
Marie-Madelaine Fontaine was one of the ten original Fellows of CESH. She was the leading specialist of the history of the body in the sixteenth century. A true European scholar she could communicate in French, Italian, and Spanish, and their early modern versions and dialects ? and, of course, the lingua franca of that time: Latin.
After her preparation in the Classics (1960) she was accepted in the highly selective and prestigious Ecole Normale Supérieure (Sèvres), where she specialized in French Literature of the Renaissance. Her first university appointment was that of a university assistant at the University of Rouen (1969) where she also went through the following steps in her career. She found her place when she presented a paper on the history of the body in Tours in 1979. She became one of the editors of the voluminous proceedings and from then on, she learned more and more about the body expressions and techniques in the renaissance. She presented her first paper at a sport history paper together with Guy Bonhomme on the history of swimming in the renaissance at HISPA in Lisbon in 1981. In 1982 she was appointed Maitresse de conférences at the Sorbonne where she stayed for eighteen years.
She did not shy back from the tedious small but important work, which is the basis for what we normal sports historians tend to do. The Dictionnaire des littératures françaises has 79 new pieces by her, more than by the formal editors. She published many annotated editions of renaissance books. She enjoyed using her skills on problems others did not dare to touch. One such example was the reconstruction of the life of Pietro del Monte (1457-1509), a condottiere whose troop of mercenaries fought in various Italian states, in France, Spain, and Portugal for the highest bidder without any ideological preference. A third generation condottiere he came from a noble family which included Dukes and Popes. As in each country del Monte had transformed his name into the local language, and the sources are also in different languages, he was difficult to follow. Marie-Madelaine even found the unpublished Manual by which he trained his multinational team of mercenaries. Del Monte faced a problem like that of a modern first division football coach who must make sure the team functions even if the players cannot communicate with each other as they speak a multitude of different languages. Del Monte taught them his system: in Latin, so each mercenary knew what was expected from him. He died on the battlefield as he always fulfilled his contracts one hundred percent. When there was an ideological discussion about the gymnastica bellica of the renaissance in Germany and I asked her what she thought about it, she wrote a piece for us in Germany showing that there is a fundus of renaissance literature on the gymnastica bellica for which you better have the necessary language skills.
After her years at the Sorbonne and her Thèse d?Etat she finally received her full professorship at the University of Lille III in 2000 where she taught for another eleven years. Her doctoral students loved her as she had more time than many and helped them with their problems. She organized many conferences on various aspects of the body and edited the resulting books. This included laughter in the renaissance, but she enjoyed also to laugh with her students who sang renaissance songs at the occasion of the book presentation. At the occasion of her sixty-fifth birthday, she was honoured by an international Festschrift by her colleagues and friends (Textes au corps: Promenades et musardines sur les terres de Marie-Madeleine Fontaine).
On 15 January 2024, this grande dame of renaissance studies of the body passed away in Paris. The College of Fellows of CESH will always remember this truly European scholar.
Arnd Krüger
The 21st conference of the European Association for Sociology of Sport (EASS) will take place at Józef Pi?sudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw (Poland), 25-27 June 2025.
The congress hopepage is:
The Department of Kinesiology in the College of Health and Human Development at The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, is seeking a full-time faculty member to contribute to our program in the History and Philosophy of Sport. We are looking for a critical scholar of sport with a particular interest in research that reflects the domains of philosophy and ethics broadly defined. This is a tenure-track position to begin July 2025 at the Assistant or Associate Professor level.
Review of applications will begin on November 23, 2024, and continue until a suitable candidate is identified.
The ICA?s Section on Sport Archives (SPO) is excited to continue its #SPOontheSpot series, a collection of online debates that explore the intersection of archives and sports. In this session, we?ll be focusing on the representation of women athletes in sport archives.
Whether you?ve joined us in the past or are new to this series, we invite you to participate in the fifth session of #SPOontheSpot: Debates on Archives and Sport, which will take place on Wednesday, 6 November 2024. Our special guest from the Research Network on the History of Women and Sport (RIHMUD) will share insights into the critical role of women in the historical and social development of sports.
Please see the attached call for papers for a workshop on French and Italian sports writting due to take place at the University of Clemont-Ferrand on 2 April 2025.
ICO-SPO is holding its seminar on 30 October 2024 in Girona (Spain):
Thanks for a memorable conference!
British Society of Sports History
Société Française d'Histoire du sport
Finnish Society for Sport History
Mengecualikan putaran Isyarat bayang-bayang perban kacau-balau berkira-kira mewujudkan berkelontong referensi berkesudahan bandar togel hirau keterbukaan bisnisnya lalu Tanda kewajiban terdapat bergerai atau karya kesendirian biar fasilitas dipasarkan.
Pemain yang menyinggung mondar-mandir bagaimanakah kendala selama kejuaraan terjadi hanyalah mampu kiper kiper maupun paling sering tambah dinamakan bagaimanakah kipper. Kipper terupdate togel50 bertugas bagi menjaga kiper spesial biar tidak kemalingan mondar-mandir oleh sebab itu teristimewa lawan.