Tab Mapper

The tab mapper is a handy little tool that will render a guitar tab file with graphic chord diagrams displayed alongside. This comes in handy for people who just don't have every single chord shape memorized. Just plug in the web site address of a valid .tab or .crd file and hit "Go". In general, the tab mapper does a better job with printer friendly URLs. If there is more than one way to play a chord, the tab mapper will choose the most common shape. To see other fingerings, click on the chord diagram and you will be taken to the chord calculator.

D chord {x x 0 2 3 2} chord

Original file located @

Show me scales that sound good with the chords in this song: D.

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Get ready to supercharge your business with Capti! We are your ultimate guide to navigating the dynamic world of business grants in the UK. Whether you have your sights set on Innovate UK Grants, DASA (MOD) grants, or any other funding, tender or framework opportunities, our team of experts are geared up to support you. We specialise in securing all kinds of Innovate UK grant funding and other R&D government grants for groundbreaking projects. From kickstarting your grant application to securing the funding, we'll be with you every step of the way.

Capti supports you in securing government funding

Bid Writing Simplified?

We could write it ourselves !however...

We Dont Have Time

Bid, Grant & Tender writing can get messy really quickly. Unless you are completing hundreds of bids every year, it doesn?t make financial sense to hire an internal proposal team.
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We Wont Win Anyway

Is your submission full of typos or grammatical mistakes? Did you miss the deadline? Did you evidence your claims? Are you bidding for the wrong contracts? Are your costing?s accurate?
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It's too Complicated?

We believe we have addressed everything in the eligibility, criteria and technical specification, but we risk disqualification over a small technicality. Could we have included more?
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We Simplify Your Business?s Path to Successfully Applying for GrantsBid Writing Simplified?

Discovering the Appropriate Grants for Your Needs

We will kick off by diving deep into your project's distinctive requirements and aspirations. Our team scans for the perfect government research and development grants, such as Innovate UK, DASA, EIC, and R&D grants. We customise our strategy to fit your business, beginning with handpicking the ideal grant application for your groundbreaking innovation development project.

Clear and Convincing Submissions

Get ready to elevate your project with our expert grant writers! Capti specialises in creating compelling innovation and technology grant applications that brilliantly showcase the strengths of your project. From outlining your project development plans to highlighting your business?s potential, we ensure that your grant application shines brightly for Innovate UK and many other awarding bodies.

Continuing Support

From the moment you decide to apply, Capti is by your side every step of the way and beyond! Our dedicated team is here to answer your questions, assist with paperwork, and guarantee that you meet all the criteria for a successful grant application. We offer personalised guidance tailored to meet the awarding bodies' eligibility and criteria, ensuring that the grant application process is as seamless as possible.

Develop a compelling narrative and strategy for success

We're not just here to check boxes and fill out forms; we bring your ideas to life with a dynamic project scope that aligns perfectly with funding requirements and delivers outstanding results. Partner with us to ensure your project shines and meets all the key criteria to secure that vital funding. Let's make your vision a reality

Capti was established in 2010, you are in safe hands

Get ready to unleash your potential! Our team boasts a wealth of experience in tapping into grant funding opportunities. We've successfully secured hundreds of applications, and our proven approach guarantees high-quality, fundable submissions that can bring your vision to life. You're in excellent hands with us!

Lasting meaningful partnerships through determination

Join forces with Capti and experience the confidence that comes from a true partnership! We know exactly what it takes to stand out in today's fiercely competitive landscape. Our team is fully committed to your success, and we?re passionate about showcasing your innovation in the most dazzling way possible. Let?s elevate your vision together and make waves in the industry!


Allow Capti to handle all aspects of your submission; we will write for you


Typically, composing any application on your own will require about three times the amount of time


Over time, you will save money, and there won't be a need to reallocate resources

Join us on an exciting journey to unleash the potential of grant funding for your business! Let's collaborate and open the doors to new opportunities together!Bid Writing Simplified?

At Capti, we ignite ambition! We specialise in securing grant funding for a diverse array of innovative projects that push boundaries. With our dynamic blend of academically-driven experts and seasoned industry leaders, our powerful approach ensures you achieve the funding success your game-changing technology truly deserves.

Are you ready to secure grant funding for your projects and take your company to the next level? Our expert team of grant writers are here to help you achieve the funding success you deserve with our winning approach

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